Teacher Qualification Service  



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TQS card

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Replace or change your TQS card

Replacement form

The replacement process


Replace or change your TQS card - Application form

Personal information

Surname (Required)
First & Middle Names (Required)
Previous Surname(s)
Date of Birth (YYYY-MM-DD) (Required)

Teaching Certificates

Please note that public school teaching certificates are issued by the Teacher Regulation Branch, who are a distinct and separate office to the TQS, and have their own application process.  The TQS does not share or forward transcripts to the TRB.

General information

  1. All evaluations are made pursuant to policies currently in force and approved by the Teacher Qualification Board.  The Board is composed of representatives of the BC School Trustees Association and the BC Teachers' Federation.
  2. A TQS category will be assigned only after the applicant has submitted their official transcripts and the most recent Teacher Regulation Branch (formerly BC College of Teachers) teaching certificate for which the applicant is qualified.  [Applications for a valid teaching certificate should be made to the Teacher Regulation Branch; 604.660.2355 / 1.888.356.2741.]
  3. The onus for submitting the required documents rests with the applicant.  Categorizations will be based on the documents received and in accordance with the policies in force at the time the evaluation is made.
  4. By policy, the Teacher Qualification Service assigns categories on the basis of the "completed program" approach as determined by standards applicable in British Columbia.  Categories are not necessarily determined on the basis of a simple count of course credits or time spent completing an acceptable program.
  5. Categories are assigned effective January 1, May 1, or September 1.  Intermediate effective dates are not assigned.  Applicants who submit all supporting documents to the TQS office between June 30 and November 30, are assigned a category effective September 1 of that calendar year provided all work relative to the category is completed by August 31 (September 30 for graduate degrees).  Applications received between November 30 and March 31, are assigned a category effective the intervening January 1 provided all work is completed by December 31 (January 31 for graduate degrees).  Applications received between March 31 and June 30, are assigned a category effective May 1 of that calendar year provided all work is completed by April 30 (May 31 for graduate degrees).

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